Understate in a sentence as a verb

I have a 4 year degree and I think it's hard to understate its value.

Can not understate just how well written Tornado is.

They will make sure that there is no overstate, understate, secrets, or head scratching.

I don't think you can understate the impact it had on a generation of geeks.

I won't understate this: I want Google to eviscerate IV's entire reason for existence.

Otherwise, because of the time value of money, the taxes paid will understate my actual increase in wealth.

Please keep in mind that I'm not trying to understate the seriousness of these findings, or others like them: we absolutely need to step up security in the healthcare field.

You could lose your money through a crash in the market, yes, but you could also lose your money through the incompetence or malfeasance of your investment partners, through having your password stolen and your account hacked, through losing your private keys, ... If you only consider one type of risk, you will understate your total risk, and not hedge against it effectively.

Understate definitions


represent as less significant or important

See also: minimize minimise downplay