Event in a sentence as a noun

So the marginal benefit of going to a TED event is little.

Hey everyone - we were shocked when we heard about this unsettling event.

A really weak area was the command language for the actions to be taken on an event.

This event is only trying inspire women that founding startups does need to be stigmatized as a male club.

At least, this is how most people in this field, including the organizers of this event, seems to classify it.

And that makes it harder than ever to gauge what the "right" reaction is as a woman when one of these events happens around you.

My advice is to stop trying to optimize every event in life, and live more serendipitously.

The event staff is overly demanding and inconsiderate of speaker time.

If you were any good at the oil business at all, he would also offer you a job, which again would have eventually made you very very rich.

A promising, arguably 'disruptive' company lost at a TechCrunch event to a startup backed by Michael Arrington?

In those countries, people do find TED really inspirational and often the local TEDx events are one of the very few decent conferences you can attend.

By this time, the screen, since it's still resolving and moving things around the canvas or whatever the **** it's doing, well by the time my mouse event registers, the object I wanted has moved away.

Due to the human body's natural resiliency, after chemo eventually the bone marrow would start to regenerate.

"I once thought it would be funny to time it and see how long another person could go talking to only him and not making eye contact with me, even when he mentioned that he was at the event because of me.

He explains people fear that "in the event of a complaint, the officer will just deny the allegations and 'circle the wagons' with his or her fellow officers with the expectation they will take care of their own.

It includes charging activists with laws intended for violent terrorists, so that arrest is no longer a minor inconvenience, but a life-altering event.

This one isn't showcased so strongly - this isn't a pressing issue by any measure - but they still took the time to respond to it and make a brief, informative, and actually engaging video about it, without some external "we screwed up, sorry" event.

Event definitions


something that happens at a given place and time


a special set of circumstances; "in that event, the first possibility is excluded"; "it may rain in which case the picnic will be canceled"

See also: case


a phenomenon located at a single point in space-time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory


a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon; "the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise"; "his decision had depressing consequences for business"; "he acted very wise after the event"

See also: consequence effect outcome result issue upshot