Orgiastic in a sentence as an adjective

People are naked, people are orgiastic, people are nomadic.

They're just not marketed as well, and they don't have the orgiastic support of the tech blogs.

Reich claimed that in a person who has full "orgiastic potency, neurosis is impossible to maintain.

In American society, aren’t most orgiastic groups also secretive, in general?

They end up forking into factions with some giving themselves over into complete violent, orgiastic depravity and the other becomes extremely austere, self-denying ascetics.

Even the humblest Party member is expected to be competent, industrious, and even intelligent within narrow limits, but it is also necessary that he should be a credulous and ignorant fanatic whose prevailing moods are fear, hatred, adulation, and orgiastic triumph.

Orgiastic definitions


used of frenzied sexual activity


used of riotously drunken merrymaking; "a night of bacchanalian revelry"; "carousing bands of drunken soldiers"; "orgiastic festivity"

See also: bacchanalian bacchanal bacchic carousing