Depravity in a sentence as a noun

And to the depraved part of society the joke is missed and they see it as support for their depravity.

The very act of torture requires a level of emotional depravity that merely killing does not.

I wish he had fled to one of the few places in the world where American depravity couldn't effectively **** him, but I can see why he didn't.

I seriously doubt the ******* that held those women captive in Ohio was a product of the depravity of the internet or media in general.

The same methods farmers have used for centuries to grow taller corn and leafier lettuce can be applied to viruses by anybody with enough prisoners and moral depravity.

You've haven't seen the true depths of human depravity until you see two grown men try to **** each other because one wanted to watch a different soap opera or sought revenge for some supposed sleight.

We may have some bumps in the road and some dark ages of depravity and extremely concentrated ownership of the means of production and all thatWell, this is what I'm personally concerned about.

Unfortunately, we're talking about situations of depravity over which there are practical and ethical reasons why data collection is not possible.

That ending is still celebrated as "Beer Day", because until then the Icelandic temperance movement had successfully argued that strong beer, being cheaper than hard liquor or wine, would cause more depravity so should not be sold.

Depravity definitions


moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles; "the luxury and corruption among the upper classes"; "moral degeneracy followed intellectual degeneration"; "its brothels, its opium parlors, its depravity"; "Rome had fallen into moral putrefaction"

See also: corruption degeneracy depravation putrefaction


a corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice; "the various turpitudes of modern society"

See also: turpitude