Neurosis in a sentence as a noun

"\n"They wanted to find out why we have such a low rate of neurosis and\ncardiovascular trouble.

I'd imagine you have doors and curtains/blinds in your house - most people do and it's not out of neurosis and paranoia.

This need to be perfect all the time is a neurosis that our society needs to lose because it results in us being perfect never.

But human beings are pattern-searching creatures and have this neurosis with categorizing people as good or bad.

In short, we are the ones typically responsible for our own neurosis as we maintain flawed thinking or understandings of reality.

I'd describe this as the modern form of "mental illness".The kind of "mental illness" we're talking about here with CFS & the Wessely/UK psychiatry school of though though is old school _neurosis_.

Another neurosis I have is using multiple for stuff that I've yet to delete but want to make sure I don't accidentally uncomment but that is dumb and what version control solves.

Have you ever heard about bioenergetics?If not, the general premise is that neurosis is expressed physically in the musculature.

Specific kinds of movements can target and eliminate neurosis, which emerges as tension in chronically contracted muscles.

Again anecdotally, I've met a lot of vegatarian converts - many for whom I'd wager food is just one manifestation of an existing neurosis.

By filing this conveniently in the bucket of "neurosis," a doctor or researcher can basically wave his hand and say there's nothing he can do, and no further scientific inquiry is needed.

It's almost a neurosis specific to the Java ecosystem that every design must be maximally flexible...perhaps to show off how object-oriented the code is?

Along with success come *****, divorce, fornication, bullying, travel, meditation, medication, depression, neurosis and *******.

Depressions are normal, anxiety is normal, fear is normal, neurosis is normal, everything is normal unless it actually renders you completely inoperable so that you become a danger to yourself or others.

I still haven't taken any meds yet but a diagnosis alone in my childhood probably would have helped with preventing neurosis originating from a school-time worth of derogatory remarks by teachers like "you are a lazy, lazy boy" and "please be quiet, you are inferior anyways".

Neurosis definitions


a mental or personality disturbance not attributable to any known neurological or organic dysfunction

See also: neuroticism psychoneurosis