Obsession in a sentence as a noun

I don't understand what the obsession is with the old IBM Model M type keyboards.

* - obsession is outright scary when you see it in another human for real.

This started a small few-month long obsession to understand it all, and became one of my more fun hobbies in the past few years.

For some strange reason, Ballmer has that obsession with hyperactively pursuing the same consumers that Google and Apple have.

"This is the essence of what's so destructive and horrifying about today's obsession with groups: the idea that everyone in the group is equal.

I don't understand this obsession with complaining about copying or imitating in design.

Slightly off-topic, but I never understood the obsession of legal enforcement with child pornography.

He also satirized our obsession with exactly this professionalism that tends to creep into our thinking and permeates our culture.

This obsession with interview questions is complete egomaniacal ********.

The extreme alternative is Java, whose slavish obsession with backwards compatibility has effectively crippled the language.

A person who's addictively obsessed with something is almost feral, operating on instinct -- except with human level brain power to alter their environment to maintain the obsession.

Obsession definitions


an irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions, even against your will; "her compulsion to wash her hands repeatedly"

See also: compulsion


an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone

See also: fixation