Fixation in a sentence as a noun

Worse comments have happened, but now there's such a fixation with "quality" that people are starting to up the snark.

Meebo was started by Stanford grads...Can we please get over this dopey fixation on big-name elite schools?

"I reported the fixation issue privately only because I'm a good guy and was in a good mood.

What's with this fixation on Foxconn and Apple?Apple is the most successful business in history.

Though I think the Silicon Valley community has an especially strong fixation on founders.

"well, they get discounted frappuchinos at any rate"I've noted your past fixation on English majors and their lack of financial success, and not sure why you single them out.

I think the mental/emotional harm that this sort of fixation on 'startups' has on many people is understated - we mourn the loss of someone to *******, but say "he had other problems already".

Instead of the unhealthy fixation on Microsoft, concentrating on user and developer freedoms regardless of vendor is better.

Microsoft’s fixation on the windows ecosystem proved to a huge distraction and ultimately made them miss the internet/advertising and the mobile markets both which proved to be gigantic compared to the windows franchise.

However, conservation measures may unintentionally relax selection by allowing the ‘survival of the not-so-fit’, increasing the risk of fixation of maladaptive traits.

This episode yields an important lesson for conservation biology: fixation of maladaptive traits could render small threatened populations completely dependent on humans for reproduction, irreversibly compromising the long term viability of populations humanity seeks to conserve

Through a Marxist historical perspective, Engels analyzes the widespread social phenomena associated with female sexual morality, such as fixation on virginity and sexual purity, incrimination and violent punishment of women who commit adultery, and demands that women be submissive to their husbands.

Fixation definitions


an abnormal state in which development has stopped prematurely

See also: regression


an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone

See also: obsession


the activity of fastening something firmly in position


(histology) the preservation and hardening of a tissue sample to retain as nearly as possible the same relations they had in the living body

See also: fixing