Creep in a sentence as a noun

TSA has more than a bit of scope creep going on.

I'm as worried as anyone about the scope creep.

Don't let feature creep turn it into a behemoth!

An hourly rate is easier, because you don't need to worry about scope creep.

Now, as we creep closer to a likely release near the end of this year, we can't shake a sense of doubt.

This reeks of the most cowardly pandering to proto fascist mission creep I've read in a long time.

I feel like a creep digging through her flickr to find a picture, but I honestly was just curious about the clothes.

From the outside looking it, this slow creep of progress might seem inevitable, but it's anything but.

Its not feature creep per-se, but more something a bit more insidious in software development.

Creep in a sentence as a verb

I think you're mistaking feature creep with their crazy good backwards compatibility.

None of them are put through strict process control during manufacturing to ensure that such mundane things as cracked or "cold" solder joints don't creep into a batch.

We need to completely disband the TSA. Structural adjustments are not going to fix its scope creep, conflict of interest with the military industrial complex, and lack of competence.

It can creep into an hour-long sit-down meeting... except now it happens every day instead of once every 2 weeks. So now you're having 60+ minute long, boring status meetings every day, and productivity goes way down.

The code was plenty confusing, but what was the worst part was the extent of the right margin creep, I'm talking 150+ character lines -- not exactly easy reading on my crappy 15" X-terminal.

He also satirized our obsession with exactly this professionalism that tends to creep into our thinking and permeates our culture.

The definition of an enemy for the state always includes some of its citizens, so you end up with scope creep where formerly completely illegal and unthinkable acts are considered normal, just because the word terrorism has been used in conjunction with a person or organisation.

And the cookie that's kept contains just your facebook ID, so wouldn't that be trivial for spammers and phishers to work around?And the most important thing is, they might act all innocent about it now, that they did it with the best intentions and not to continue tracking people after they log out. Let's believe that and lets assume this behaviour doesn't involve any other privacy implications: Facebook is by now well known for their feature-creep, if we hadn't caught them red-handed now, what's to say they wouldn't be using this data in a few months from now?Sorry but it's all ********.

Creep definitions


someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric

See also: weirdo weirdie weirdy spook


a slow longitudinal movement or deformation


a pen that is fenced so that young animals can enter but adults cannot


a slow mode of locomotion on hands and knees or dragging the body; "a crawl was all that the injured man could manage"; "the traffic moved at a creep"

See also: crawl crawling creeping


move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground; "The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed"

See also: crawl


to go stealthily or furtively; "..stead of sneaking around spying on the neighbor's house"

See also: sneak mouse pussyfoot


grow or spread, often in such a way as to cover (a surface); "ivy crept over the walls of the university buildings"


show submission or fear

See also: fawn crawl cringe cower grovel