Niggardly in a sentence as an adjective

Did you just try to tell me that "niggardly" is a racist word because it sounds like "******"?

That's the same strange attitude that got a man fired from DC gov't for using the word "niggardly.

I once said in a senior staff meeting that we shouldn’t be niggardly with employee benefits.

Ahhah, all this silliness makes me want to use word "niggard" and "niggardly" where it's appropriate

That said, you'd have to be crazy to use "niggardly" now after the reaction it got whoever that was. If you use words that most of your audience doesn't know, what does it say about you?

The word "niggardly" is offensive to some because of its similarity to the n-word.

It's like "niggardly" - ignorant people use an incorrect interpretation to try to shut down people they don't like.

It's also worth pointing out that a lot of people learn the word "niggardly" and procede to use it solely to see if it offends someone.

I don't but I do cringe whenever I see the world "niggardly" regardless of how objectively irrational that is.

" He replied, "The charity which you practice while you are healthy, niggardly and afraid of poverty and wish to become wealthy.

This is nothing like, for example, the fake etymology of "nitty gritty", or confusion between the word "niggardly" with "like a ******".

But I'm always struck in articles like this one how silly the motivating examples are; a student with a complaint about the word "niggardly" in Chaucer?

I saw a reddit comment not long ago that said something along the lines of "Intelligence is knowing that the word niggardly has a non-racist etymology.

This is unlike niggardly, which is etymologically unrelated to ******.

They are by nature niggardly in communicating that which they know, and they take the greatest possible care to withhold it from men of another caste among their own people, still much more, of course, from any foreigner ...

It is hard to argue against this article, but I feel a lot of social capital to accomplish these things was burned up on freaking out about terms like flipbook, ***** in armor, niggardly, master-slave IDE interface, black hole, etc.

If I say "guys" or "mankind" in a sense that is meant to be inclusive, but someone else interprets that as not inclusive, I don't feel responsible for their interpretation, any more than I would feel responsible for someone's misinterpretation of "niggardly".

Proper Noun Examples for Niggardly

Niggardly has no etymological roots with niggardly, but they sound similar and niggardly means stingy/miserly/has negative connotations.

Niggardly definitions


petty or reluctant in giving or spending; "a niggardly tip"

See also: grudging scrimy