Negativism in a sentence as a noun

Could we quit it with the knee jerk negativism? Please and thanks.

Such gleeful negativism in our gene pool." Just because you don't know how to do something doesn't mean you can't."

And of course this thread fills up with more of the same negativism trying to justify itself. PG nailed it with the term "middlebrow dismissal".

A young man who is not trying to enact change through destruction, hyperbole or negativism. Nor is he simply trying to build "awareness".

There's so much negativism on the net in general; everyone seems threatened by everyone else. And you find it here, too, a place where you'd expect to find nothing but support and encouragement.

I disagree with all this negativism that is taking over lately. I think that there are several very positive trends for the tech sector: 1 - Big data is coming age.

“In the United States today, we have more than our share of nattering nabobs of negativism. They have formed their own 4-H club—the hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history.”

But the author didn't really make a great case for why this sort of absolute negativism, zero tolerance for 'bad', is any better than what Joe's presenting. He's definitely not pretending to be 60 Minutes.

I've met many people who dismiss any criticism with complaints of negativism. I've even seen that happen when I complained about how they were dissing others, as if me suggesting they should be more understanding was negative.

I think much of the negativism stems from the hacker mentality that big companies are evil and that breaking the rules is cool. Therefore anything that big companies do or use is automatically uncool.

Spiro Agnew anticipated both Clinton and Biden by a couple of decades with "nattering nabobs of negativism."

Whenever we presented our stuff to gastroenterologists, we got the same campaign of negativism. I had this discovery that could undermine a $3 billion industry, not just the ***** but the entire field of endoscopy.

I'm talking about comments that decry the slightest criticism or moderation as "the nattering nabobs of negativism".

So while people are stupider under the strict sense of "Lots of people can't do very simplistic things", they're brighter than the rote negativism would let on. Put another way, I've got a friend who's a poet and who's training to be a nurse who insists Sarah Palin was a brilliant politician maligned by the liberal media.

While there's enough arguments and data to claim we're not in a tech bubble, the amount of doubt/negativism/uncertainty is a strong display of market sentiment and I'd mainly use it as a leverage.

Anecdotal data points to support my view: The most hateful comments against Stallman usually appear in highly technical forums - I have yet to see that amount of negativism in the comment sections of main-stream media articles about him. Most technical people, I think, know very well what free software is, and how, generally, it helps us getting stuff done.

Negativism definitions


characterized by habitual skepticism and a disagreeable tendency to deny or oppose or resist suggestions or commands

See also: negativity negativeness