Negativeness in a sentence as a noun

The negativeness, of course, being towards the book, and not the man Liszt.

Even google can't predict all the negativeness and prevent them with computer systems. Expecting being a god from google is unfair.

Just to add some negativeness to the generaly positive comments here.

The downvotes are most likely due to the negativeness of the post, coupled with an ambiguous argument.

Considering the amount of good communities on that website, the last thing I would want is for it to be overrun by such negativeness.

I don't get all the negativeness here. I vastly prefer Google/Facebook working on medical progress than working on improving ad targeting.

I'm trying to point out that cash flow negativeness is not the problem. >Point is that the road to an unending stream of ethical violations and scandal can sometimes be seen by the earliest of underhanded cheating.

Makes me sad to see all the negativeness towards this service, which clearly works and serves a need some people have. Yes, there are alternatives, but I hate when people jump to dismiss service like this, without fully considering what issues the proposed alternatives have.

Therefore, if you regularly feel "a combination of frustration and shame working for them" rather than just a short period of negativeness / sadness that goes away quickly, it's not likely that it will get any better later and quite possibly worse. So quitting seems like the only option, doesn't it?

Q=how+to+change+kde+wallpaper&l=1 * Edit after down votes: Sarcasm is specially regarded as negative behavior in HN, but negativeness for negativeness, this article shouldn't even be here. It's filled with destructive criticism and unjustified claims.

I think we culturally attach a nuance of negativeness in the word "addiction" but I don't think Paul's essay really depends on that cultural assumption. I think he is looking at the issue more from the side of the perceiving individual and you are trying more to define some objective measures and semantics for addiction.

> I'm trying to point out that cash flow negativeness is not the problem. Cash flow negativeness in of itself may not be a sign of an bad company- see Amazon- but it does seem like it is present in many unsustainable business models, and those are companies that, at least in this tech cycle, tend to engage more vigorously in actions that result in side effects considered harmful.

Recognizing the existence of the non-constant terms in that expansion corrects the nonsensical negativeness and logical inconsistency. This is intimately connected to the analytic continuation POV, which is discussed in section 2.

I look at trends by job titles and I look for consistent incidental remarks, not negativeness or positiveness. Example of the first: when evaluating one employer there were many negative reviews, but mostly from a particular high-churn part of the company; the experience of easy-come easy-go customer-facing support may not tell you much about the experience of someone even one level removed from that position.

Negativeness definitions


the character of the negative electric pole

See also: negativity


characterized by habitual skepticism and a disagreeable tendency to deny or oppose or resist suggestions or commands

See also: negativity negativism


an amount less than zero

See also: negativity