Necromancy in a sentence as a noun

No wonder Vim's motions sound like necromancy to so many people.

And even if you're not into this level of computer necromancy, you can always sell the parts to those who are.

In this case black refers to the card type, and the black type is associated with necromancy and the demonic.

Does that mean contra is supplanting the necromancy that was reconstructed English country dance in the UK?

That was invented in the 1930's, back when the term was still associated with Haitian folklore about necromancy.

The main question now is what specific necromancy the venture capitalists will be performing on its corpse.

This becomes data archeology quickly, and leads to necromancy.

Brand necromancy had to be performed several times before it saw the success of the current incarnation, such as it is.

Fantasy, necromancy, & quite an imaginative take on how magic systems work

There's no need for necromancy involving light meters, and no need to read the tea leaves of a Polaroid to guess at what the "real" picture will look like after it's souped.

They just essentially practiced at the art of antique automobile necromancy.

Can you imagine if car companies could do that?What really chokes me about CoH is there was no franchise - the world has been dead since the game shut down, expect for the cruel necromancy of Statesman in MXM.

You are still a zombie, risen upon us by the benevolent necromancy of Paul Graham, believing that without 10% weekly growth in "some metric you weren't measuring" you, somehow, at some indeterminate point, became a "kind of" failure.

Just looking at how many people died of those who were infected simply ignores the fact that many people who die of Covid-19 would otherwise have gone on happily being productive and valuable members of their respective communities - and not shuffling, moaning zombies held together by arcane necromancy, waiting for a gust of wind to disintegrate.

Necromancy definitions


the belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world

See also: sorcery


conjuring up the dead, especially for prophesying