Sorcery in a sentence as a noun

So I thought I'd check Google to find out what manner of sorcery this was.

You need the right balance of mana, summon and sorcery cards.

If you ever tried to use an axe, the video in the article will look like sorcery.

Why on earth should anyone care how hard it is to see a swords-and-sorcery soap opera?

"I played with it and found it to be pretty Rails-like, even including several moments of "what foul sorcery is this?

Though I suppose that for a programmer who couldn't understand a simple concept like map, damn near anything would look like sorcery to them.

Your server's cage opens several times a month, probably, as techs and whatnot do their icky atom-touching sorcery.

But to say we shun them due to a lack of understanding, or acting like what the Russians and Georgians do is "utter sorcery" ignores a great deal of the research that takes place here.

Interestingly, the book jokingly uses sorcery as an ongoing analogy for computing.

Sorcery definitions


the belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world

See also: necromancy