Necessity in a sentence as a noun

I'd say the necessity of this post is why PHP is as popular as it is.

"It's hard to argue with the central message there, but we must be careful not to conflate that with the necessity of getting a CS degree.

For example, he asked multiple times for water, a basic necessity for life, and was denied multiple times.

I'd been hired part-time, but I worked full time, and then some, spurred on by my mis-placed sense of loyalty and necessity to cope with my workload.

This made nonviolence a practical necessity rather than an option.

" 'I don't interpret this to be gates questioning the necessity for more than 1GB of e-mail, just trying to get to the bottom of how this guy managed to use that much in a few months.

Can it be said that such a large segment of humanity is doing nothing ennobling but is merely spending life dying a slow death while living worthless lives because work is done of necessity?

Facebook was always a highly addictive and vital necessity - a social utility, the lack of which meant losing touch with friends, not being invited to events, and generally missing out on a large amount of social interaction.

Necessity definitions


the condition of being essential or indispensable


anything indispensable; "food and shelter are necessities of life"; "the essentials of the good life"; "allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions"; "a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained"

See also: essential requirement requisite necessary