Essential in a sentence as a noun

His essential mistake IMO was launching too late.

They should spin off the rest and focus on GTK, the Shell, and a small number of essential utilities.

In some cases it may prevent you learning essential lessons and hinder your improvement.

In your case, it is essential that you have medical intervention while you detox.

Keeping the web platform based on open standards is essential to keep it open to new browsers and technologies.

Essential in a sentence as an adjective

"The venue error in this case is not harmless \nbecause there was no evidence that any of the essential \nconduct elements occurred in New Jersey.

" The absolutely essential thing to keep in mind is to say nothing of substance about the matter under investigation.

A task that specialists have so far failed at.> "I read a textbook on physiological chemistry and took to the internet to see if I could find every known essential nutrient.

If the W3C and Apple can't work out a royalty-free licensing arrangement for Apple's essential claims, then this seems very likely to fragment the mobile web even further by creating yet more "works only in Safari" pages.

Sometimes this happens because of unequal bargaining power, where a big company essentially presents a host of oppressive boilerplate terms and conditions as "take-it-or-leave-it" items.

Essential definitions


anything indispensable; "food and shelter are necessities of life"; "the essentials of the good life"; "allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions"; "a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained"

See also: necessity requirement requisite necessary


absolutely necessary; vitally necessary; "essential tools and materials"; "funds essential to the completion of the project"; "an indispensable worker"

See also: indispensable


basic and fundamental; "the essential feature"


of the greatest importance; "the all-important subject of disarmament"; "crucial information"; "in chess cool nerves are of the essence"

See also: crucial


being or relating to or containing the essence of a plant etc; "essential oil"


defining rights and duties as opposed to giving the rules by which rights and duties are established; "substantive law"

See also: substantive