Naked in a sentence as an adjective

If this is just a naked cry for attention, well, that's just sad.

First it was about porn, now the naked power grab begins.

There are plenty of ways leaving them naked will screw you over.

We are all born naked, bloody, and screaming; the only thing we know is how to work a ******.

You can push naked index puts or calls all you want, and make an absolute ******* killing.

It is naked extortion covered by a thin veneer of lawyering.

Call the presses!Seriously, your naked aspersion doesn't even make sense in this context.

Heterosexual teenage boys will get their hands on images of naked ladies and distribute/trade them.

Or rather, after reading the article, some naked-image scanners to be removed, and then promptly replaced with others from a different company.

"Equally important, the court also found distinct differences between the Samsung and Apple tablet designs, which the court claimed were apparent to the naked eye.

An unregulated leveraged options platform with essentially no assets and what will undoubtedly be super senior debt deals with their prime broker writing naked contracts on something that moves 30% based on one website lagging out for a hour or two?what could go wrong

Sure, Dropbox could spend seven figures to get a ISOxxxx whatever consultancy to draw up a 125 page document describing their internal checks, do the obligatory all-hands yearly mandatory training where you have to get 10/10 questions right and question 1 is "A user has uploaded naked pictures of themselves to their account.

Naked definitions


completely unclothed; "bare bodies"; "naked from the waist up"; "a nude model"

See also: bare nude


having no protecting or concealing cover; "naked to mine enemies"- Shakespeare

See also: defenseless


(of the eye or ear e.g.) without the aid of an optical or acoustical device or instrument; "visible to the naked eye"


devoid of elaboration or diminution or concealment; bare and pure; "naked ambition"; "raw fury"; "you may kill someone someday with your raw power"


lacking any cover; "naked branches of the trees"; "lie on the naked rock"