Defenseless in a sentence as an adjective

Bullies pick on the weak/inactive/defenseless. Key is to *** it in the bud, swiftly and vigorously.

I'm all in for bringing in more women, but this points sounds too much like "let's protect this delicate, defenseless flower" to me.

Well it's not as if the heavy bombing of a densely populated defenseless area is healing anything either.

Lots of stuff is broken to make this so, but it's not a case of big bad "piratey" Pandora ripping off poor defenseless artists and laughing all the way to the bank.

Considering women as defenseless brainless little flowers who can only be victims is also a major form of misogyny. Would you call a woman who pursues men for sex a misandrist as well?

This is such a jarring way to advertise, it's like watching a bully beat a defenseless kid - does anybody feel more sympathy towards the product this way?

This mitigates the "defenseless kid" syndrome a bit, because if you only punch up you're by definition only taking on products that are stronger in the marketplace than yours is. You can see this in action by comparing Apple's ads.

One reason I always try to help people who ask me any question about their computer is that I just think of how ignorant and defenseless I've felt when my car breaks. I do what they do: find the person in my life who knows the most about it and cling to them like a drowning man.

Blinking is basically your only defense against lasers that might blind you and if you can't deploy it in time, that means you're defenseless. Anything that can burn a mosquito down in flight is probably enough to burn at least some of your retina, too.

Defenseless in a sentence as an adverb

If only there were some way for the American government to be given tools to protect defenseless Americans from evildoers abroad!

One city with a heavily armed citizenry and one virtually defenseless, same results. Obviously, other factors matter more.

They're defenseless, particularly against their parents. Generally education is considered critical to a child's welfare, and for good reason.

One of your core challenges at the beginning is convincing folks who need to be published that you are trustworthy enough to give a credit card to even though you're on the big, scary Internet which is full of viruses and scam artists and other things preying on poor defenseless folks such as themselves. Design can help you do this.

The usual dynamic was that somebody who wanted to establish themselves as an alpha would pick on a defenseless target--like a nerd--and engage in some old-fashioned shaming, sometimes with physical bullying thrown in for good measure. Then the rest of the group would join in like the good little toadies that they were, each eager to prove that they're "in" to ensure that they aren't chosen as the next target.

I was born in a much better America, and have still faced racism that made me feel worthless, defenseless, and angry -- but I still hesitate to even call out racism for fear of negative reprisal. While I don't think you or any contemporary "non-racist" white person is responsible for those acts, denial of the past and its lingering effects, and hatred for those who fought to end it doesn't help.

It would obviously be tragic and damaging for someone to attack "defenseless" passengers with "traditional" weapons, but -- in my eyes -- it's not terribly different from a random attack in the street or a shopping mall. Airline personnel and the typical cohort of passengers would simply never let a terrorist take the cockpit, which effectively removes that entire element of danger.

The NFL has reigned in the violence with rules like illegal contact on receivers, hits on defenseless receivers, roughing the passer, spearing, chop-blocking, face mask, blow to the head, horsecollar tackle, etc. --and as they have done so the game has only gained in popularity.

> This is such a jarring way to advertise, it's like watching a bully beat a defenseless kid - does anybody feel more sympathy towards the product this way? At least in this case, the iPad is so dominant that they probably feel there's no alternative but to address it directly. I'm sure the marketing team knows better, but they're making the comparison because they're in a position of extreme weakness. It's an act of desperation. The defenseless kid here is actually Microsoft.

Defenseless definitions


lacking protection or support; "a defenseless child"

See also: defenceless


having no protecting or concealing cover; "naked to mine enemies"- Shakespeare

See also: naked


lacking weapons for self-defense

See also: defenceless


without defense; "the child was standing in the middle of the crossfire, defenselessly"

See also: defenceless defenselessly defencelessly