Mutilated in a sentence as an adjective

This horse has been beaten, mutilated, and buried.

Tortured and mutilated. A ruined and terrible form of life.

If i'm paying to watch a movie, i want to at least be informed it it's a mutilated version of the movie. ...

If your daughter was killed in a horrific accident like this, would you want video of the event and her mutilated corpse shown to people around the world? I have a feeling most of you would not.

All I did was to try hard as I could not to hit something or somebody, because I was watching a soul being mutilated.

Eg "dusty metal with this albedo map" vs maps for parameters in some mutilated and extended phong shader.

I'd seen a few videos of how strong they are [0] and the thought of being crushed or otherwise mutilated by a million dollar magnet, along with the confined space, was too much. I felt panic coming from a mile away, and it engulfed me.

We have a habit of just pretending everyone's being killed and mutilated for freedom because it's a lot more comfortable that way. Makes their sacrifice seem worthwhile and not just a horrifying waste.

Yes the person in this story is a dick but being a dick does not mean someone should have their body mutilated, nor does it somehow make them a faux-person. Saying someone isn't a "real man" is just as ridiculous as what the person in the story said.

Millions who see their society mutilated, their rights trampled and their livelihoods disappearing do not agree. We like to see ourselves as the good guys, and things like the NSA spying or the British censorship filter as the work of the bad guys.

So for example Harry would come across some mutilated corpse, the music would get all shrieky and he would exclaim how terrible it was, and all the while he would be scooting all over the screen. It turned the game from something frightening into something hilarious.

We respect the idea of women being mutilated, killed and having to walk under tents in public, even as immigrants in the Western World, out of respect for religion. Sad, considering the delusionary nature of all religions.

Considering the impact this had even without throwing in the horror of seeing mutilated bodies, I think that was the right decision. It might have felt like I was in control and sane enough to handle it at the time, but considering how I spent the next 2 hours wandering around london zombie-like, I clearly was not.

Example: unidentified human remains found and either grossly mutilated or partial to the point of not being able to determine sex." Other" means that evidence is present, and it's possible to make a determination, but it doesn't fit any of the previous categories.

People here need to stuff it and read more before running on about Bitcoin - I've seen more biased, uninformed, telephone-word-of-mouth mutilated information, etc. And ironically, some are even running their mouths while accusing others of doing it.

It may mean that big franchises like Star Trek and Superman are doomed to be mutilated on this 15-beat bed of Procrustes, because a producer who intends to produce an industry-standard movie to tight tolerances can outbid anybody who wants to do something creative with it. And it may mean that most "mainstream" theaters give up on the idea of watching a movie quietly in the dark, simply because they don't have the will or the means to enforce it.

The key is realizing that unfortunately this is your natural tendency, to set you MAX to the most stressful situation you usually encounter and to work against this natural tendency: just image how much worse things could actually be, think that you or your loved one or your children could die or be severely mutilated and incapacitated for life today in a mundane car accident that will not even reach the news. Go even further next: meditate a bit on how big the world is and how many horrible things are in that could really hurt you and the ones you love, and then go even further, think about how big and dangerous the universe is and how small and powerless you are and how many cosmical catastrophes could negate our civilization's entire existence.

Mutilated definitions


having a part of the body crippled or disabled

See also: maimed