Maimed in a sentence as a noun

21 maimed or killed. I really think this is more than a little bit of middle of the night speeding.

Does the inventor suppose the rapist is going to let the woman go after she's just maimed him with this thing? Rape is awful.

Public trust in science is going to be maimed for generations. If you can't trust them on the #1 public health issue - the #1 killer of humans - what can you trust them on?

"As long as one of the bullies is sufficiently bloody, maimed, or dead, you'll have accomplished your purpose." Life is not Ender's Game.

Her quest for ideological purity resulted in hundreds of thousands of people being killed or maimed.

Vietnam estimates 400,000 people were killed or maimed, and 500,000 children born with birth defects as a result of its use. It was the most massive use of chemical weapons in human history.

By the time you figure out what's happened, you're already maimed/ dying/ dead, or one of your loved ones is, or whatever. Remote though the risk is, the randomness and immediacy of it are a lot scarier.

But if the quality is so bad that people die, or are maimed, poisoned, or otherwise injured, we have different rules. Consumers aren't good at this, they aren't experts, they don't have the right information.

People don't actually get maimed because they stupidly walked into a minefield. They get maimed because someone put a minefield where they live and grew up, and they can't live life at all without being in constant danger.

Millions of\n people are maimed or killed by accident, disease, and violence. \n Considering this man's talents, I would much rather live in a world where\n he devoted himself to solving important problems.

>Oh, and might I add, The Anarchist Cookbook isn't flawed so much in that it presents violence as a means to an end, but rather that actually following the recipes will likely get you killed or maimed. Hopefully people reading the book already knew this.

In non-professional contexts, calling people out has gotten folks attacked, beaten, harassed, maimed, and killed. The solution to ending this kind of oppression is not niceness and having those being ****** over bend over backwards.

Maimed in a sentence as an adjective

Com/dp/0974458902 Oh, and might I add, The Anarchist Cookbook isn't flawed so much in that it presents violence as a means to an end, but rather that actually following the recipes will likely get you killed or maimed. Hopefully people reading the book already knew this.

The Court struck down the bill because it was too broad, banning the sale and transport of videos that depicted an animal being maimed, tortured or killed. They cited the fact that such broad language would include hunting videos and factory protest videos like the ones in question.

I find it ironic that the article claiming that "Facebook is maimed" and "Twitter mortally wounded" is on a site that has "Like" and "Tweet" buttons, but no Google+ interaction at all.

But it's not like he maimed himself... um, actually, he has chronic back problems and is retired from the army on partial disability and has a handicapped sticker for his car&;&."

People don't actually get maimed because they stupidly walked into a minefield. The operative term here is 'hypothetical analogy'.

After the events of this week I was worried about the hundreds of maimed victims, "Uncle Ruslan", the families of those 4 persons killed and the possible backdrop on geopolitics. But judging from Dr. Stallman's comments I should be most concerned about how the TSA might benefit from what happened.

Just to be clear, are you saying that it is only very slightly better for a sheep, rather than a human child, to be maimed by a land mine? That seems to be what you wrote, but I'm having a very difficult time reconciling your world view with my own, so I'm hoping that I am somehow misunderstanding.

They didn't spring fully formed from the minds of regulators, they happened because researchers killed and maimed people by not doing the necessary verification before human trials began.

In war, collateral damage is considered unavoidable and ultimately acceptable in pursuit of victory, which is why drug warriors accept that the occasional baby will be maimed by a flashbang. That sort of approach is unacceptable for domestic law-enforcement.

I would just point out to you in your rush to condemn the miner's desires for increased compensation that a software developer, even one with a three-year degree, is unlikely to be crushed or killed or suffocated or maimed in the course of their work. That laborers who risk life and limb should demand part of the prodigious wealth they are responsible for extracting sounds eminently sensible.

We don't see doctors because we want to see doctors, we see doctors because if we don't, we will be maimed or killed by disease or dysfunction. By the time people are seeking a doctor, they're often not in any position to evaluate the market--if a real market for medicine even exists where they live--and weigh the reputations or contractual demands of several doctors before choosing one.

Maimed definitions


people who are wounded; "they had to leave the wounded where they fell"

See also: wounded


having a part of the body crippled or disabled

See also: mutilated