Mundane in a sentence as an adjective

I grew up in a house where abundant praise was given for completion of the most mundane of tasks.

Some of these discussions have changed my views on both political issues and more mundane things.

High-achievers stuck in mundane jobs may not perform to their potential...but these aren't people "stuck" as being bariatas.

In the mundane, everyday practice of law, the common practice in billing was indeed that of fixed-fee services.

None of them are put through strict process control during manufacturing to ensure that such mundane things as cracked or "cold" solder joints don't creep into a batch.

Life is too short to do everything but life is more than ample enough to do important things, things that count beyond the mundane routines of daily existence.

I don't know anything about the internals of Zynga, but I have seen HN get out the pitchforks for other companies when the real story turned out to be much more mundane.

I'm not suggesting that it would be desirable to permanently lose the ability to think on the level of appointments, check-writing, stop-lights, prospectuses, and the rest of the "mundane".

The second most likely explanation is almost as mundane: that the reason new dialects of Lisp have trouble attracting adherents is that mainstream programmers are put off by s-expressions.

While nearly everyone else was focused on more mundane concerns of immediate importance, he was worried and tried to warn us about long-term, higher-order, societal consequences.

I've spent a considerable amount of time in Iraq in the US military; it's very tough to explain to people how much energy I now spend assessing threats presented by very mundane acts/situations.

It is a mundane story about an uninteresting and unnecessary practical problem, self-inflicted and then solved in an elementary way.

Fear of mundane things giving you cancer; existential fear about the economy, which many of us don't even understand and as individuals, have no control over; fear of walking the streets alone at night; fear of getting sick if we don't use antibacterial soap after each bathroom trip.

Anecdote: My brother is a construction engineer with Ellis Don and he goes to HN even though he has no interest in startups because he likes the "quality of thought and discourse for current events" and is working his way through learning python the hard way in order to script some of his more mundane tasks.

A journalistic and literary trope I increasingly despise: creating an elaborate and evocative metaphorical description of something without naming what it actually is, often with the side-effect of making a rather mundane technicality sound all gee-wiz and confusing rather than enlightening the reader.

Mundane definitions


found in the ordinary course of events; "a placid everyday scene"; "it was a routine day"; "there's nothing quite like a real...train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute"- Anita Diamant

See also: everyday quotidian routine unremarkable workaday


concerned with the world or worldly matters; "mundane affairs"; "he developed an immense terrestrial practicality"

See also: terrestrial


belonging to this earth or world; not ideal or heavenly; "not a fairy palace; yet a mundane wonder of unimagined kind"; "so terrene a being as himself"

See also: terrene