Muddiness in a sentence as a noun

* There's still muddiness in the way that errors and exceptions are passed through the CPS transform.

I would guess that the market value of Bitcoin will sink a bit due to the muddiness of this announcement.

That's where the muddiness comes in; you wouldn't need intent to make unauthorized copies in this situation.

There's no muddiness involved here - sexual exploitation of minors for the production of media is not ok.

The muddiness of the issue is part of the point, we all have opinions on rights that should exist, and it is easy to throw the word "bigot" at anyone who disagrees with us.

A question that captures more of the muddiness of this is "If I find out someone is committing a crime and I prove it by indiscriminately publishing their emails, is the embarrassment that is created when it is revealed they were having an affair my fault or their own?

If not, please show me where 2 branches rejoin where there's no H transmission nor mutual fertility.> the whole kingdom-order-genus-species thing is muddy and ill-definedWell yes, it's somewhat an arbitrary construct for human convenience, but isn't much of the muddiness down to our limited understanding of the true relationships?Regarding "cadherin/catenin or how epithelia are formed to see how a tissue is much more than a bundle of cells.

Muddiness definitions


the wetness of ground that is covered or soaked with water; "the baseball game was canceled because of the wateriness of the outfield"; "the water's muddiness made it undrinkable"; "the sloppiness of a rainy November day"

See also: wateriness sloppiness


a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior; "a confusion of impressions"

See also: confusion confusedness disarray


the quality of being cloudy

See also: cloudiness murkiness