Disarray in a sentence as a noun

Twenty minute naps leave me in a horrid state of disarray.

It's such a sensitive game, changing just one thing could throw the whole game into disarray.

But I tried to blur the boundaries a little and even that threw me in extreme disarray.

Wasn't the Muslim world on the offensive when Europeans were in disarray?

When I got to Brian's England, I intentionally misread his orders and put his army into disarray.

Disarray in a sentence as a verb

I wonder what the IRS and/or the shareholders would say if Wal-Mart would state "that its books are in such disarray that an audit is impossible".

OSU's president, Gordon Gee, cut funding for the project in the early 90's, however, which threw the project into disarray.

Eventually, changes in work threw my schedule into disarray, I stopped making time to go home and cook and reverted to too much fast food, much of the weight came back, and so did the diabetes.

Oh, you mean when I can't buy things because they aren't on the shelves because there's nobody available to move them from the loading dock to the shelf, and I don't want to shop there anyway because the entire store is in disarray because there aren't enough employees to clean up the products that sales might drop?

Disarray definitions


a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior; "a confusion of impressions"

See also: confusion confusedness muddiness


untidiness (especially of clothing and appearance)

See also: disorderliness


bring disorder to

See also: disorder