Manufacturing in a sentence as a noun

That's right, up to 2,000,000 jobs are currently open in places like manufacturing in the US.

First, manufacturing an existing drug is absurdly cheap.

It is awesome, but you get that in print because you are physically manufacturing an object and sending it to people.

One of the fun things was they could add various gases to the manufacturing process to create diamonds of various colors.

None of them are put through strict process control during manufacturing to ensure that such mundane things as cracked or "cold" solder joints don't creep into a batch.

I live in central Japan's manufacturing hub. If you ever come visit me, and really want to return depressed, I'll arrange for us to take a tour of the company which produces most of the world's cell phone camera gaskets.

Almost the entirety of the cost of an orbital launch is in manufacturing and operational costs.

By creating the manufacturing in the towns themselves you mitigate the transportation problems.

The reason behind this, is that technology has progressed and most of this stuff can be made faster, cheaper and more consistent by a manufacturing process.

Note that they are still selling each car at a material loss; and only managed to show a profitable quarter by trading green credits they gained from their manufacturing.

There's a saying that goes something like "Measuring the progress of developing software by lines of code is like measuring the progress of manufacturing an airplane by kilograms of mass.

No, researchers could theoretically slip a difficult-to-detect trojan into Ivy Bridge if they controlled the manufacturing process for the chip.

" Sure, the disciplines OP mentions are sexy, cool, and important, but so is manufacturing stuff, distributing it, accounting for the money exchanged, and a million other "boring" things.

It was probably designed that way on purpose, probably because Fluke has a reputation for manufacturing high-quality multimeters, and someone could confuse it with a Fluke multimeter at a glance.

Manufacturing definitions


the act of making something (a product) from raw materials; "the synthesis and fabrication of single crystals"; "an improvement in the manufacture of explosives"; "manufacturing is vital to Great Britain"

See also: fabrication manufacture