Manufacture in a sentence as a noun

China didn't pass the USA as the world's largest producer of manufactured goods until last year.

Yes, Apple is reliant on devs to write apps, but its not the same as needing hardware partners ot manufacture devices.

In both cases my approach has been to fully develop the items to the point that they are basically ready to manufacture.

* Tablets have rounded corners and bezels because it's difficult to manufacture the unit if the screen extends right to the edges.

There are no more buggy-whip manufacturers, chimney sweeps, blacksmiths, coopers, automobile welders, and so on.

Manufacture in a sentence as a verb

Answer: Start reading some terms of service or privacy policy docs from any popular online startup and manufacture some outrage over it.

Yes, you might only need a few chefs for each cuisine worldwide in order to manufacture food, but eating is about much more than simply consuming things that have been manufactured.

It is plainly too complicated to be left to individual web service providers, just as brick-and-mortar stores do not manufacture their own door locks or burglar alarms.

"I'm just a smart guy with a fresh pair of eyes who spent a few weekends reading undergrad textbooks and skimming pubmed".Not: "we're a large company with deeply-interested professionals who've made this their life's work, our own multi-million dollar labs and decades of accumulated experience in the development, testing, validation and manufacture of temporary food substitutes".

"And in the case of copyright, there will be 'additional damages'>> "Each Party shall further provide that its judicial authorities have the authority to order that materials and implements, the predominant use of which has been in the manufacture or creation of such infringing goods, be, without undue delay and without compensation of any sort, destroyed or disposed of outside the channels of commerce in such a manner as to minimize the risks of further infringements.

Manufacture definitions


the organized action of making of goods and services for sale; "American industry is making increased use of computers to control production"

See also: industry


the act of making something (a product) from raw materials; "the synthesis and fabrication of single crystals"; "an improvement in the manufacture of explosives"; "manufacturing is vital to Great Britain"

See also: fabrication manufacturing


put together out of artificial or natural components or parts; "the company fabricates plastic chairs"; "They manufacture small toys"; He manufactured a popular cereal"

See also: fabricate construct


make up something artificial or untrue

See also: fabricate invent


produce naturally; "this gland manufactures a specific substance only"


create or produce in a mechanical way; "This novelist has been manufacturing his books following his initial success"