Luminosity in a sentence as a noun

This is entirely dependent on the luminosity of the star.

"minus the atmosphere and with eyes that will absorb stars luminosity for 20s straight" let's not confuse it.

Type-O stars, for example, can have a luminosity a million times greater than our Sun's.

Using luminosity would be much better, or even a color scheme that uses saturation.

I imagine this cutoff distance must be a function of properties of our sun like luminosity, magnetic field strength, etc.

It will, however, affect the observed luminosity of the quasar and make us perceive it to be more luminous than it really is.

I personally know of three: average, lightness and luminosity.

The main effect of gravitational lensing is just to increase the apparent luminosity of the lensed object.

Maybe a combo of strategical luminosity and tactical cocksurity can be found?

We are working on improving the luminosity however, we are improving it about 10-25% per week using a process known as directed evolution.

Whether or not the device works - this usage of minute is also apparently unit of radio power or backlight luminosity, if cell phone makers and reviewers are to be believed.

This is a particular subclass of supernovae which always have the same luminosity, because they occur when a previously-stable neutron star goes just over the mass limit and becomes unstable.

If we keep using the lightbulb as a metaphor, we keep the old on/off API and add a dimmer switch which can be controlled over the network, an access control list, and a structure which can define the light bulb's color, direction, luminosity, et cetera.

Luminosity definitions


the quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light; "its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun"

See also: brightness luminance luminousness light