Leveling in a sentence as a noun

About 50% of new players are people on smurf's or banned players leveling.

What's best, though, is that I get all the increased abilities that come from leveling up.

When is the last time you read an article about leveling the field of female privilege?

Some say it's "leveling the playing ground" but it often just turns into a straight-on attack.

All proper HID lights on new cars come with auto-leveling systems which will keep them from throwing light at your rear view mirror.

Most people aren't looking under the hood, particularly now that hardware specs are leveling off.

It has tool depth sensing via electrical contact and a bed leveling algorithm.

From there, school would be similar to an RPG: classes would have a prerequisite "level" required, and each class would gain points toward "leveling up.

Democrats frequently used the word "inequality" and phrases like "leveling the playing field.

He mentioned that "leveling up" is part of the culture, which I read as a passive/aggressive way for him to both mention and justify the clawbacks.

The same dilemma exists for leveling up: skill points added to one category are skill points you can't add to another category.

Part of leveling up from peon to not-quite-sure-but-definitely-not-peon was learning how to talk the part.

Sorry, but "neglect" is a pretty obnoxious accusation you're leveling against Alan.

You are able to react psychologically to the whole prospect in the form of a narrative that extends beyond the finish line, as a systematic leveling-up of your life.

So basically, we live in a society where anyone's reputation can be instantly, completely and forever ruined, at will, by someone leveling a rape accusation on the internet.

I used to play them a lot until I realized they were not fun, just addictive; they make you feel like you're accomplishing something by leveling and gaining skills, when really it's only your character that's improving - you're not getting better at anything.

Let's look at things like leveling-off or falling consumer demand for gasoline [1], and then let's look at the tax breaks afforded to oil companies [2], and let's ask ourselves: if we're doing everything right, if we're granting these companies record profits [3], then why haven't they lowered gas prices to increase demand like the magic formula says they will?

Leveling definitions


changing the ground level to a smooth horizontal or gently sloping surface

See also: grading


complete destruction of a building

See also: razing demolishing


the act of making equal or uniform

See also: equalization equalisation