Equalisation in a sentence as a noun

It'd get closer than most other falling sand games if you turn on water equalisation though.

I guess it's a good thing he's been wrong about the equalisation of the sexes - both men and women may not commute today.

That's an equalisation, a way to keep people humble but still acknowledging the status to keep the community happy

I don't know of the top of my head any tool that'll do brightness equalisation like that automatically but I'm sure it exists, it's computationally not a hard problem.

What if also have an energy term for difference in interframe x-position along the seam?Or maybe doing histogram equalisation for pairs of adjacent frames before the seam cutting might help.

You'd have to be mentally ill to believe that a [Lossless > AAC-256 > Lossless] conversion is more detrimental than [Lossless > equalisation > analogue mastering > lathe cutting > vinyl stamping > stylus scraping > pre-amplification > ADC > Lossless].

It's a natural equalisation: why does a worker in America deserve a better standard of living than a worker in Indian or China when the latter is willing to work so much harder to pull his family out of abject, mud-hut poverty?

Not only would this create a multi-trillion dollar peace dividend which could be spent on original R&D and social investment of all kinds, it would also create a massive wealth equalisation, end many of the more obvious and pointless kinds of wealth speculation, and create a global wealth boom, as location became much less important than talent and imagination.

The 'PC' forces I believe are ideologically bent on a very specific kind of 'equalisation' wherein there's a kind of instinct to see any 'difference' as 'inequality' and therefore 'immoral'.So I think those are the primary forces: lack of social agreement supported by commercial interest pulling us towards aspiration, and ideological forces promoting their specific version of 'moral equality'.

Equalisation definitions


the act of making equal or uniform

See also: equalization leveling