Jive in a sentence as a noun

That just doesn't jive with the tired lore of Jobs being an ******* all the time.

Unfortunately there are a few assumptions being made here that don't really jive with car usage in practice.

* Pivotal - The UI was completely non-intuitive to us and didn't jive with the way we wanted to work.

That statement doesn't jive with several other articles about this exploit, and this post from the devs themselves.

Don't feel bad about quitting a job that does not jive with you just because your boss is a cool guy who will play beer pong with you on Friday nights.

Tricking the public to think they are in the clear to run a Minecraft server is perhaps well-intentioned but just doesn't jive with "Don't be evil.

Jive in a sentence as a verb

They can fix bugs, add features, and solve almost all technical problems, although it might take a lot of time to do it, and the solutions might not jive with the rest of the architecture.

It's really interesting to read the background on why it came to be structured a certain way, but I feel that the current structure doesn't jive with how we use computers in a modern way.

Should the price, quality of the product, quality of the service, or simply the way a company does business not jive with your principles... don't do business with that company.

Being troubled is easy to say, but the fact that a company he has invested in is engaging in questionable activities doesn't really jive well with PGs claims regarding office hours.

I would make a guess that when I see someone like Martha Stewart getting less than a year in prison for securities fraud and someone "taking a wallet from a hotel room" getting life, well, it just doesn't jive right.

So no way to remove yourself by virtual means when your space got invaded by "You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life; See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen," except by actually running far, far away.

Jive definitions


a style of jazz played by big bands popular in the 1930s; flowing rhythms but less complex than later styles of jazz

See also: swing


dance to jive music; dance the jive