Jittery in a sentence as an adjective

It was jittery, and that's a slow film.

It is perhaps due to the 700mph, 6,000 feet in the air part that makes them especially jittery.

Nobody will read those tables projected on that small screen at a jittery resolution.

Club Mate is the only caffeinated soda that isn't overly sweet, doesn't give me a bad stomach and doesn't make me jittery.

No, jittery shareholders transferred $1b+ to their less anxious peers.

The only really different thing I noticed while watching The Hobbit in 3D at 48fps was that panning shots werent distractingly jittery.

But when you actually used them, you would have a hard time not to laugh at just how jittery and overall unpleasant it was navigating through the Android UI.

There's something in coffee besides caffeine that makes me feel jittery and nervous without feeling more alert after a couple of days of drinking it regularly.

Doom was not some simple little game, it introduced the concept of circle strafing and multi-level enemies in FPS.>The jittery feeling of older games, where every shot counts and you always have to be on the lookout for your opponentHa, really?

Re: atmosphere, I recall reading studies that a certain proportion of people who are both exceptionally good and widely recognized by management as such, and therefore in no real risk of being chosen in a layoff round, nonetheless get very jittery during layoffs, fearing that they'll be next.

Jittery definitions


characterized by jerky movements; "a jittery ride"


being in a tense state

See also: edgy high-strung jumpy nervy overstrung restive uptight