Edgy in a sentence as an adjective

Apologies for the topic, they are an edgy dating site.

"You may cultivate an "edgy" persona, but it's not endearing.

TheReg was kinda edgy and cool circa 1998, but now it just seems a forum for trollish and content free articles.

To him that style is edgy and contemporary and something his parents don't get. NoSQL is the gangster fashion of programming right now.

Ev Bogue is a mentally unstable guy who comes out of the woodwork every so often to say crazy 'edgy' things.

Too often, and I'm not saying it's necessarily the case with Zach, people equate cussing with being edgy or controversial.

They say that 90s clothes help them with their interviewing techniques, because it helps them remember how interviews were done in the day; when they were edgy.

And then an "edgy" publication passes on the troll directly to us by defending it, thereby getting attention for themselves as well.

Leaving Facebook isn't an edgy thing to do; not before and not now. Anyone I knew that announced that they're "leaving facebook" end up being rather smugly obnoxious when tech news headlines say "facebook did some things that people don't like.

Sega hasn't made a good game in over a decade – I won't even blame that on their pursuing a "mature and edgy" vibe with the Sonic franchise, though they seem to think that's what gamers want.

The win screen featuring a naked woman was off-putting, they write on their website that they are hiring "Eskimos" and I guess they think that is funny or edgy and cool or something.

Recently I was this close to uploading an "edgy" picture to an imaging application I help develop to test a new deployment under the test user.

Using language which is viewed as inflammatory or not appropriate is supposed to push the boundaries and make someone look edgy, but it only really comes across that way to people who buy into that system.

I actually never intended to invest until the first lockup period expired, but I got edgy when they finally started revealing their Adsense-esque ad strategy.

Edgy definitions


being in a tense state

See also: high-strung jittery jumpy nervy overstrung restive uptight