High-strung in a sentence as an adjective

One of the subreddits even covered a topic that often gets a lot of drama and high-strung people.

As a result, the high-strung idealism devalues science in the eyes of the public.

So maybe some females aren't taking high-powered high-strung positions because they'd rather have kids.

Being a parent of a high-strung 10 year-old, I tend to read it as reasonable rules for a very smart, very obsessive young teen.

I think it's fair that a high-strung, anxiety-ridden student that's missing their senior year memories might miss some 'remainders'.

Then we're just a bunch of annoyingly high-strung geeks being Very Serious about matters which have absolutely no relevance.

Print media and public stations don't have the same high-strung presentation that cable news does, but the actual substance isn't much better in my experience.

I also dislike the notion that a bunch of sleep-deprived, high-strung people who don't have their **** together, staying alive by a combination of greed, caffeine, and blood pressure, is what "working optimally" looks like.

Some memorable quotes:> Don't read, study.> Inspiration, the high-strung condition in which emotion, eloquence, music, or merely strong coffee can place us... reveals to us whole regions in our souls which have nothing in common with the sandy barrenness of our daily existence.> Social intercourse ... is highly productive of thought-hindering insincerity.> Some people who think freely and charmingly in speaking seem to put their minds in a straitjacket at the moment they begin to write.

High-strung definitions


being in a tense state

See also: edgy jittery jumpy nervy overstrung restive uptight