Jingoist in a sentence as a noun

Both can play the jingoist game and appeal to emotions.

Pulse is kind of jingoist and slightly hostile to foreign presence.

I have heard every iteration of the jingoist "spend or die" speech.

It's clear to anyone who isn't mainlining USA jingoist media that USA is failing the current test, hard.

Really who cares except some jingoist defence industry neocon who still thinks the cold war is a thing , also the Chinese don't do drone strikes or invade other countries.

It’s a narrow minded, ill conceived, jingoist, reductionist culture that attributes all personal good to multi-generational hard work and independence or whatever and belittles the losers for being stupid or lazy or having inadequate families or whatever.

Jingoist definitions


an extreme bellicose nationalist

See also: chauvinist jingo flag-waver hundred-percenter patrioteer