Chauvinist in a sentence as a noun

Would you applaud a chauvinist for being a chauvinist?

I don't believe they were arrogant chauvinist pigs.

When to open the door to be romantic, when not to so you aren't a chauvinist.

The middle class is overly male chauvinist and doesn't like sending women to work.

It is safer to be a carbon chauvinist if you accept that ancient Mars was covered with oceans.

You are making the field off-putting to her, not the evil chauvinist boogeymen she has never seen.

You forgot "creepy stalker", you closed-minded male chauvinist ape.

What is this if not "a chauvinistic belief in the inferiority of women?

Removing natives, stealing their land, then declaring there is no population so you also get their TLD is chauvinist.

Perhaps I really have had a little bit of "male chauvinist pig" thinking on my own part counteracted by observing my daughter grow up at home.

I don't see how it's chauvinist to suggest that a "country" with no human inhabitants except for foreign military personnel doesn't need its own ccTLD.

This may sound very Euro-chauvinist, but I wonder if politically and culturally Europe isn't much better equipped to deal with this.

That and the implied paramount of sexism idea that if they let men talk, there are going to be chauvinist pig, because that’s indistinguishable from having a penis.

They're the physics-world equivalent of geniuses who are also first-class jocks!It makes sense for Sheldon to be the ultimate theorist chauvinist since he works with string theory, which is, so far, not of much interest to experimentalists because its so impractical to test!

At least she has a mercy to not name the conference in her righteous rant, as after reading it i also started to feel that the conference organizers are arrogant chauvinist pigs because they reached to a woman in tech to talk about ... you'd not believe it ... women in tech.

I do so very much enjoy the posts that say "Joe is an absolute *******, pig and chauvinist and should be led out to the shed and shot, but Justine xyz...".It says a lot about society that in order for anyone to criticize a woman, one must first seek absolution by criticizing the man first, and harsher, than the woman.

> after reading it i also started to feel that the conference organizers are arrogant chauvinist pigs because they reached to a woman in tech to talk about ... you'd not believe it ... women in techI looked through the article to see what you were referring to with the remark about "arrogant chauvinist pigs," but there was nothing like that.

Chauvinist definitions


a person with a prejudiced belief in the superiority of his or her own kind


an extreme bellicose nationalist

See also: jingoist jingo flag-waver hundred-percenter patrioteer