Flag-waver in a sentence as a noun

Europe!That tends to be the opposite goal of those nationalistic flag-wavers.

The tree-hugger in me says "Screw em: buy a foreign electric" but the flag-waver in me says "Hey what about biodiesel?

I am no flag-waver for Israel, but I can't see how a new enemy will do anything but further harden the worst impulses of all participants.

This article is a book report written by an old crank who doesn't like that modern scholarship focuses on what we can best tell what happened instead of some fairy-tale to make flag-wavers feel good about themselves.

An anti-Saudi story will attract those with general anti-foreigner sentiment who like to police the comments to make sure we’re all red-blooded, freedom-loving flag-wavers.

Flag-waver definitions


an extreme bellicose nationalist

See also: chauvinist jingoist jingo hundred-percenter patrioteer