Interrogation in a sentence as a noun

People who don't fit the mold have to contend with more interrogation, more doubt, and slower progress.

That was just the interrogation before Google+ begins?I continue.

The TSA has nothing to do with this interrogation, as bad as they are; Customs and Border Patrol are the offenders, here.

Report to the proper authorities within 24 hours for interrogation.

I waited very long hours while people in front of me holding same kind of passports as me and then myself were interrogated like in a police interrogation.

These details are specific: rather than say he had a beer, its a Colt45 malt beer, just as a suspect might overcompensate with details in an interrogation with police.

They are part of a psychological battery designed to evaluate him without a harsh interrogation.

Just a quick clarification since people assume Miranda Warning is required, it is only required before interrogation.

Since then, he has produced the lowest-cost and lowest-dose active interrogation system for the detection of enriched uranium ever developed.

She is arguably a war criminal, a proponent of dragnet surveillance and was partial to implementation of torture, oh sorry, "enhanced interrogation".

Any of these characteristics trigger an automatic escalation in the interrogation process.

"[62] At that time, she had acknowledged attending meetings to discuss the CIA interrogations, but she claimed that she could not recall the details, and she "omitted her direct role in approving the programme in her written statement to the committee.

All I had to do was mention I was going to take a class, and the guy made us go into an interrogation room where he asked repeated, annoying questions to try to entrap me into admitting I was in Canada to work or some such thing.

It's pretty striking that a media organization which has almost no restriction on the words it publishes would characterize a torture program that included 183 waterboardings and 180 hours of sleep deprivation as "harsh interrogation"

Interrogation definitions


a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply; "he asked a direct question"; "he had trouble phrasing his interrogations"

See also: question interrogative


a transmission that will trigger an answering transmission from a transponder


formal systematic questioning

See also: examination interrogatory


an instance of questioning; "there was a question about my training"; "we made inquiries of all those who were present"

See also: question inquiry enquiry query