Contend in a sentence as a verb

Many of them contend all of these points in a throw everything at the wall strategy.

Also, it seems like one chew releases all the moisture, leaving a mouthful of dry bleh-ness with which to contend.

" I know hubris is one of great virtues of programmers, but I would contend that humility is a great virtue of writers.

However I contend there's nothing inherently flawed about the NoSQL concept.

And if they worked somewhere else, they wouldn't have to contend with a sales floor full of people who are not, and are never going to be customers.

The article is clearly about killing options which I contend people need, and I think should be placed in an advanced section rather than killed.

Then you have to contend with the fact that they will bring in their own expert witness to explain how your example is bogus and you both get to cross-examine.

In their place are fresh-faced college grads struggling to contend with a system they neither have the experience nor the documentation to maintain, much less extend.

Again, if you cannot manifest your intelligence in a way that forwards your agenda, who cares?To phrase it in a more confrontational way: if nobody is forced to contend with your mind, nobody knows it exists.

The article sums it up very well:First of all, Id contend that nearly every invention in the engineering or sciences is an improvement on what has come before such as Teslas improvements to alternating current.

This observation may be construed as heartless, insensitive to the victims, and "if it were your X then it would be different"… but I contend that each time we act like chimps and allow our attention to be drawn to the latest epidemiologically insignificant tragedy we lose as a species.

I know there's no metric for 'good' vs 'bad' comments we can appeal to but I think we can all understand that all the 'true' subreddits[1] denote the fact that once you get far enough on the adoption curve[2] quality will start to suffer as I contend occurred on slashdot, followed by digg, subsequently reddit, and now HN.

Contend definitions


maintain or assert; "He contended that Communism had no future"

See also: postulate


have an argument about something

See also: argue debate fence


to make the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation; "They contested the outcome of the race"

See also: contest repugn


come to terms with; "We got by on just a gallon of gas"; "They made do on half a loaf of bread every day"

See also: cope grapple deal manage


compete for something; engage in a contest; measure oneself against others

See also: compete


be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight; "the tribesmen fought each other"; "Siblings are always fighting"; "Militant groups are contending for control of the country"

See also: fight struggle