Intercede in a sentence as a verb

Can the EU intercede and do something here ?

The point is: should we trust the same government which is moving in murderers next door to intercede?

Obama's refusal to intercede in that situation was what finally soured me on him for good.

The market takes care of itself, without a regulator having to intercede at any point.

In this case, management would probably have to intercede to get someone from Office commit-access to Windows.

Wouldn't it be easy to write more software to monitor how your trading software is doing and intercede if it seems to be losing you a lot of money?

"I'm not sure how that guy got the CEO of the company to intercede on his behalf"Well, he did so by raising a public fuss about it, that much seems obvious.

Often enough though, they do intercede, and want to ignore important information when doing so. Imagine if the principal suspends both the bully and the bullied - is that going to achieve the principal's long term goals?

But what a smart home system could do is allow you to intercede and prevent the defective one from cascade-infecting every other device.

So I remain baffled as to why two different total strangers felt the need to intercede in this exchange and in both cases they sided with ugh rather than taking a more neutral position.

I like to take care of negotiating the initial letter of intent and then give that document to the respective lawyers to turn into a real contract - and intercede if anything starts to go sideways.

It's comforting to think that there is a highly trained law enforcement group that can intercede when a local department is incompetent or inadequate, and the realization that the FBI can be just as bad or even worse than local law enforcement is disheartening.

Therefore we need to give up our judgment as consumers to unelected regulators, who will intercede and corral industry on our behalf, naturally, despite the fact that they have zero accountability and literally cannot be fired.

Our task as hackers then is to create at least one spot on this earth where patients can take whatever treatments they want, where entrepreneurs/technologists can invent whatever *****/devices they want, and where no regulator has the power to intercede between these two consenting parties.

The OP explains that the Hong Kong judicial system would handle an extradition, but Beijing would be able to veto it."Lawyers said Monday that any extradition request would also need to go through the citys legal system before Beijing could intercede, a process that would likely be drawn out."

Another minor request: Please turn down all proposals for me to speak, make contributions, intercede with the Gates Foundation, etc. Sometimes these requests for you to act as intermediary will be accompanied by “It can’t hurt to ask.” It will be easier for both of us if you just say “no.” As an added favor, don’t suggest that they instead write or call me.

Intercede definitions


act between parties with a view to reconciling differences; "He interceded in the family dispute"; "He mediated a settlement"

See also: mediate intermediate liaise arbitrate