Intermediary in a sentence as a noun

Get some sort of intermediary between you and them, a stick, rope, shirt, pants whatever.

No intermediary node, if any exist, has access to the meaning of these messages.

Targeting in display ads works because from the publishers, the intermediary has information to figure out what your interests are and so on.

Most cancellation forms online will take you through an intermediary confirmation step, anyway.

> Test-first units leads to an overly complex web of intermediary objects and indirection in order to avoid doing anything that's "slow".

* Proxy transactions to Stripe using a intermediary server in India to match the latency and reliability.

The Glim-dropper scam involves the mark trying make money by inserting oneself as an intermediary who provides no benefit, concealing his true intentions.

It also creates no-value-added intermediary in the process.

This prevented any sort of universal person->email directory from being feasible and necessitated an intermediary sevice like facebook to share contacts publicly.

It's straightforward to find ways to accept anonymous payment, but how do you keep the Man from following all outbound packages from burnerphone?What are advantages over buying a gift card with cash and purchasing a phone online or through an intermediary?

Persona has the browser act as an intermediary between your e-mail provider and the site that you're logging in to, so that the e-mail provider doesn't get to see the source of the authentication request, and the site that you're authenticating with doesn't get any further details beyond your e-mail address.

It is this case - where the intermediary business owner is using "one copy" only to enable multiple members of the public to listen to the same song, albeit only for their own private listening - that the EMI lawyer is commenting upon when he says that one person listening to his own music via the cloud constitutes a "public performance.

Intermediary definitions


a negotiator who acts as a link between parties

See also: mediator go-between intermediator intercessor