Instructive in a sentence as an adjective

Also, a close look at the people who do defend the current quality of the site might be instructive.

Watching them walk through the minefield that is API handling should be instructive to anyone here who hopes to do the same at some point.

It would be much more insidious if the results were commonly thought to be instructive, but in fact were misleading.

Although the circumstances seem different on the surface, I found it to be an instructive narrative.

I think the description of her initially trying to learn ruby is really instructive for everyone who wants more people to learn how to code. There are just simple things you don't think about that a beginner can really get hung up on.

The reason was instructive: they felt they could learn more from their\n“officemates” in this kind of office. This makes sense, since in interviews a common\nreason for wanting to join a company was the opportunity to work with “great” people.

I feel the article would have been more instructive if she had provided information like: What exactly was the technicality that prevented her from getting a visa? How has she been living in the states for the last seven years?

Constructive criticism of a project, on the other hand, can serve to improve the project, as well as being instructive for anyone working on similar projects in the future. Of course, the author then does say that "disagreeing" is OK as long as you do it tactfully.

It is often instructive and useful to look at the behavior of real implementations, not just the idealized behavior given by the standard.

OpenID/OAuth is an instructive example. The specs were built very much driven by committee oriented thinking, and the resulting UX implementations out of the gate were much more complicated than the Facebook Connect experience.

It's extremely 'instructive', as he would say, in understanding how he writes C++ code. The sheer amount of code will horrify you, it may even seem unproductive, but I think his objective was really to get everyone thinking about the beauty of the algorithms and the details rather than the objective.

To understand how autonomous driving is more likely to emerge, it is more instructive to see what some of the worlds most advanced automakers are working on What is this ********? He basically dismisses the entire Google effort right off the bat, and provides no information about it whatsoever?

But my experience there is instructive on the mediocrity that closed allocation command-and-control creates. If you don't have worker autonomy, you won't get creativity or excellence or innovation.

The course became one of the most challenging, instructive, and yet enjoyable one during my time at Berkeley. What I will remember about him is the aura of genius that was unmistakable, and the surprising level of warmth and camaraderie he displayed every time he interacted with us.

WtfFriendAction" is a comical example, but I think "gotFriends" is more instructive: it tells you nothing more than "I am the callback for getFriends", and thus adds no information to the original code, only verbosity.

Instructive definitions


serving to instruct or enlighten or inform

See also: informative