Infrastructure in a sentence as a noun

There was an infrastructure of couriers and darkrooms to get images from film to press in time.

The infrastructure in India is, by all reports, spotty in the rural areas.

I'm sick, sick, sick to death of the president issuing denials while they keep building more and more infrastructure against humanity.

My reasoning is as follows;Many "products" over the last couple of years have been fairly straight forward web "apps" built on top of existing infrastructure.

We can assume Facebook is paying for the userbase, the app itself and it's infrastructure would basically run itself.

The infrastructure, and the associated software tools, can be leveraged in 20% time to make an eng far more productive than they normally would be.

The problem is that huge and expensive amounts of infrastructure are designed an manufactured with a one-way power flow in mind.

It’s rugged build and cloud managed interface make it ideal for “away teams”, monitoring systems in remote locations, and businesses with challenging infrastructure.

Would you?Well, the first big thing Bezos realized is that the infrastructure they'd built for selling and shipping books and sundry could be transformed an excellent repurposable computing platform.

I'd like to fix that, mostly by creating a public policy around municipally owned Layer 1 infrastructure between customers in their cities and a city exchange building.

Social infrastructure isn't like being a developer for the Playstation -- this is very basic and very global stuff, similar to water or power, and you shouldn't have to question its integrity.

The infrastructure is interesting for a while but once you have it working the business of doing deals and handling promotions and figuring out why integration point A isn't working like it should is what keeps you busy.

This includes new ways to write, understand, and collaborate on code, and the next generation of tools and infrastructure for delivering software continuously and reliably.

More than anything else, this describes an appalling failure at every level of the company's technical infrastructure to ensure even a basic degree of engineering rigor and fault tolerance.

That generation - my parents' generation - really did a large portion of the work involved with building out the physical infrastructure that allows our economy to operate as it does today: buildings, roads, power lines, mining, machinery, warehouses, etc.

My story is just one datapoint of so many -- most of which are private, but easily discoverable by quietly asking around the Valley -- that should help you realize that Facebook is definitely not the company you want operating the world's social infrastructure.

Infrastructure definitions


the basic structure or features of a system or organization

See also: substructure


the stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area; "the industrial base of Japan"

See also: base