Sundry in a sentence as an adjective

No one wants to hire someone who might turn around and complain about them to all and sundry if things go poorly.

I wouldn't doubt that there are many people out there who are polite to all and sundry who would screw you the second they get a chance.

Within a few hours, I was exchanging stack traces and other sundry debugging/profiling dumps with Tom Lane.

If you count income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, other "sin" taxes and various and sundry fees, it's a lot more.

[1] I did know a guy who liked playing WoW a lot and supported himself by selling gold and various and sundry rare and epic items.

This further incensed varied and sundry "hacking" organizations which began to target Sony.

Word keeps doing funny stuff with the indents / alignment / styles / autobullets and sundry garbage that I can't figure out without investing 5 mins per incident.

Would you?Well, the first big thing Bezos realized is that the infrastructure they'd built for selling and shipping books and sundry could be transformed an excellent repurposable computing platform.

> A truly free people don't keep secrets.> What the NSA 'should be' is a National Communications Agency, wherein all harmful human activity they observe are communicated - to all and sundry!

Sundry definitions


consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds; "an arrangement of assorted spring flowers"; "assorted sizes"; "miscellaneous accessories"; "a mixed program of baroque and contemporary music"; "a motley crew"; "sundry sciences commonly known as social"- I.A.Richards

See also: assorted miscellaneous mixed motley