Inferior in a sentence as a noun

Or feeling weak and inferior that you're not as talented as some other person. They're not you, and you're not them.

Hangouts is still inferior to iMessage today. It's a real shame.

Slow code that kerchunks around "feels" inferior, like I can see the awful mess it must be inside. It's sort of like how luxury car engines are expected to "purr."

So no, I don't think people who engage in a bunch of self-promotion are stupid or inferior, just selfish and shameful. I will leave money on the table all day in order to not deal with the ****.

I ended up in more creative fields, mostly because I felt inferior to those who had learned the rules and not been cocky douchebags like I had been in the beginning. This really sucks to write.

Why doesn't everyone else use an inferior material that Apple just stopped using? 1.

Actually, they will say it is inferior because it lacks goodies like VGA ports. Joel Spolsky wrote a long time ago that companies like to commoditize their complements[1].

An inferior product produced at a higher price. Dropping productivity means a drop in living standards for everyone, not just the rich people.

It's a bit too easy and somewhat condescending to brush off public speaking as strictly inferior to written communication. In fact, I disagree strongly with Graham's stance.

To anybody who believes that women are somehow inherently inferior at coding, let me just say that you're wrong. Absolutely, totally, completely wrong.

Women are sensitive, fragile, inferior creatures who require constant, vigilant protection from honorable men. If it becomes necessary to take a few quotes out of context in our noble quest to protect the fairer sex, so be it.

Inferior in a sentence as an adjective

In fact, due to the unique awesomeness of x86, sometimes instructions are superseded by inferior instructions. My favorite is 'loop.'

First and foremost is that if the drug really works, it would be unethical to leave people on a placebo for long periods, because it is clear they have an inferior outcome. Stopping early also speeds the time to drug approval and market entry for a given indication.

If I want to code for 8 or 10 hours a day, go home and enjoy myself in the little free time I do have, then wake up and do it again, I don't see why that makes me an inferior employee. This just seems like more misguided, unjustified cultural absolutism that is so prevalent in the industry.

I always cringe when that happens, and I realize I'm playing an inferior strategy. It doesn't really help that you can see what they other player is doing, because if you realize that her strategy is superior and try to switch, you'll be doing the same thing, but N turns behind, which is pretty much a guaranteed loss [4].

Secondly, physicists don't look outside the discipline, despite the fact that we often use inferior techniques. Back in the 1990's, Mark Newman and I were both working at Cornell and both of us were aware that the techniques physicists were using to evaluate power law distributions were bogus.

And ultimately, the reason why many of us are sitting here not being rich and outlandishly successful when people of similar or inferior talent smash $500m+ exits is that, when faced with a thousand identical-looking doors, one with a pot of gold behind it, they had the "insight" to pick door #467 while we picked #822 or #134 or #915. Some of us pick #467 at the next opportunity but, of course, the next time the pot of gold is behind #719.

Python is only mentioned in passing, as an inferior choice to Haskell for rapid prototyping of mathematically-oriented code. - Go is presented as the "better C", which is encouraging but I'd feel more encouraged if the author showed they were properly familiar with some additional modern programming languages and the cases in which one might use them.

They think of her not as a person, but as an object - but it is a different kind of objectification, where they feel inferior to the object, it is unattainable to them, so they act with cruelty and savagery. That is what is different between this form of objectification and normal patriarchal behavior which would try to be patronizing and protective towards women.

But how often do we have situations where nothing of the kind happens and instead the issues are decided, in essence, by who pays off whom and who has what degree of political or bureaucratic pull that can be used to protect systems and structures that are far inferior to what the new competition might offer. I believe that, in these sorts of cases, the tech impetus will ultimately prevail and push things toward broader and freer areas of choice for consumers.

I have always felt like I was paying far too much for inferior service, contemptible customer support, and endless efforts to further "monetize" me through harassing phone calls trying to sell me more stuff, intrusive DNS systems that redirect me to their crappy web sites, etc. There is not a single other industry I can say that about, certainly not one that comes to mind so quickly.

Inferior definitions


one of lesser rank or station or quality


a character or symbol set or printed or written beneath or slightly below and to the side of another character

See also: subscript


of or characteristic of low rank or importance


of low or inferior quality


written or printed below and to one side of another character

See also: subscript


having an orbit between the sun and the Earth's orbit; "Mercury and Venus are inferior planets"


lower than a given reference point; "inferior alveolar artery"


falling short of some prescribed norm; "substandard housing"

See also: deficient substandard