Substandard in a sentence as an adjective

Why exactly are you taking substandard comp then? Stop being a sucker.

In fact, they can explicitly be paid substandard wages and there is no way to complain. Your parents, most likely.

It marked itself on the forehead with a big tattoo that says "substandard software" - they set the brand on fire. That change is going to hurt more than any extra revenue is going to help.

Some argue H1B visas are used to pay substandard wages in lieu of employing domestic workers. The substandard wages bit is true but that's because of the H1B processing problem.

Adding to that the friction of delivering a substandard product is not something one does without very good reasons. Conjecture is all we have from the outside.

Generally limit you to high-fee and substandard mutual fund options. Company health insurance plans?

And maybe it highlights the substandard search mechanisms for published research, or the difficulty of learning from published research papers. But it's definitely not about neglect, at least not for most of the topics listed in the article.

The workers in Mexico and China benefit because they have jobs, albeit at low wage rates and substandard conditions in many cases. Contrary to received wisdom, prices for some products might be lower, but not significantly so.

Sometimes I think about what a fool I was, and how much more money I could have made working for large companies at market rates, instead of killing myself for substandard salaries, even though there was some "love of the game" involved. Why is it that we need to exploit people in this game?

Apple could have given webkit/x-platform development equal footing with native, but instead they have hindered it with substandard performance compared to the built-in browser. Because for a market that "can't make money", they just paid $10 billion to developers.

For a company that hires the best engineering talent, they either hire substandard HR people, or perhaps most HR people just operate at a different level of efficacy.

Grinding pollution, horrible traffic, crushing heat, often without any AC, frequent power outages, substandard equipment. The trouble is, regardless of the reason, the net quality tends to suffer.

How will someone have an equal chance of succeeding in college if they have experienced a substandard education for the preceeding 13 years? Affirmative action in college admissions is little more than tokenism.

The slightly defected or substandard batteries could then be sold to the consumer for a much lower price than the Duracell branded batteries, without risking damage to Duracell's brand.

You wouldn't hold your tongue over substandard hardware, and you'd probably hold back your dollars until a better performing, more reliable machine came out. Be consistent, and consider the device's lexware too; in time, it'll be a feature for the manufacturer to improve, just like all the others.

The most important part of that clause is the use of the term "substandard width lane", which although not defined in the statute, has been established via jurisprudence to be approximately 14-15 ft. Many many rightmost lanes in SF are not 14+ ft wide, meaning that on most roads in SF you can legally ride right in the middle of the rightmost lane.

In other ways, it's kind of sad as it obviously shows how badly GUI-centric "It's a fancy typewriter" attitudes toward computers have ruined generations of users by giving them substandard tools which they barely can make work for an automation task. I'd love to see a "Signs in Stores-ix" as much as the next guy...

Yes, there absolutely are policies that encourage people to climb to a perch from which it is incredibly easy to fall: social pressure against out-of-wedlock births; ineffective sexual education; social stigma against and a lack of services providing female reproductive health in general, contraceptives, emergency contraceptives and abortion; the structure of our health system disincentivizing preventative medical care in general; bankruptcy 'reform'; predatory lending practices; social stigma against the trades; corporate abuse of the safety net to depress wages; college grants and their unregulated effect on tuition; the college loan system in general; regressive taxation; child tax credits; safety net rewards based on family size; the jarring transition between qualifying for social safety net programs and not qualifying; military rewards based on family size; subsidized sprawl and a lack of public transportation; zero-tolerance laws and policies; substandard school districts; etc.

Substandard definitions


falling short of some prescribed norm; "substandard housing"

See also: deficient inferior