Incontestable in a sentence as an adjective

Huwaei is currently the incontestable leader of 5G tech but with shots fired from US govt.

One thing that seems incontestable is that the GUI is in need of a serious redesign to make it usable.

I always want to protest, but never do for fear of ending up on the irrational, incontestable no fly list.

This is one of those issues that everyone can see needs to be fixed and would be popular enough to be incontestable.

Your country is doing this, theres incontestable evidence already.

The fact that new information is available now that when the Referendum took place is incontestable.

It is incontestable and deplorable that Negroes have committed crimes; but they are derivative crimes.

Exactly... where ~40% of the pop vote leads to a majority government & incontestable omnibus bills.

Every time an accused person goes to trial on incontestable facts, they are taking resources away from people have been accused without facts or law backing the prosecutors up.

Well, the phrase "Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics" exists for a reason, data representation sometimes implies "the incontestable conclusion", where a conclusion should not exist.

I listen to them freely and with all the\n > respect merited by their intelligence, their character, their knowledge,\n > reserving always my incontestable right of criticism and censure.

" But I allow neither the bootmaker nor the architect nor the "savant" to impose his authority on me. I listen to them freely and with all the respect merited by their intelligence, their character, their knowledge, reserving always my incontestable right of criticism and censure.

Economical political decisions are made by men to serve other men, and should be adjusted accordingly not to be incontestable dogma supported by spikes of intellectual masturbation.

Incontestable definitions


incapable of being contested or disputed

See also: incontestible


not open to question; obviously true; "undeniable guilt"; "indisputable evidence of a witness"

See also: indisputable undisputable