Exhortation in a sentence as a noun

I doubt very many people thought the first joke was an exhortation or endorsement of rape.

Weirdly, this post has a Shyamalanic twist where it ends up being an exhortation to use Sinatra.

I would hate to see a great exhortation cast aside because of a few misguided racists who tried to steal a saying.

Depends on the type of moment... I like Lord Acton's exhortation to "judge talent at its best and character at its worst".

Anyone can tell people to do what makes them happy or leave their dissatisfying job. These exhortations have become platitudes.

Before, Smalltalkers used to put snippets of code in comments with the exhortation to "run this" or "debug this" to clarify how a certain part of the API worked.

Ending with the exhortation 'Fork it' sums up his position perfectly - someone else should fork this software, add the features I need, and then continue to work for free for me.

There is no self-congratulation, rather an exhortation to us all to remember how it's still crucial to be spreading the love and teaching of basic principles of maths.

Was that in response to his exhortation to learn different languages, or do you actually believe that Perl and its self-proclaimed successors have any profound differences?

That's because car knowledge, at least for men until 20-30 years ago, was the kind of knowledge that fathers passed onto their sons voluntarily, without needing a presidential exhortation.

I put a box of stuff like that on the table at Hacker Dojo with an exhortation to use it to hack cool things, but there was no one there to "accept" it so I don't know if it was useful or not.

While your advice is generally sound, I'm concerned about the implied exhortation to self-censorship of controversial, but legitimate, views that it carries with it.

As for negatives, I find the GMail interface to be cluttered and confusing, with its ads, the annoying black bar at the top, random hovering elements, and the occasional exhortation to Buzz / gchat / new Compose experience / whatever it is this week.

What a bizarre piece - no examination whatsoever of what the implications of the success of ChromeOS might be - just a self-referential exhortation to blindly put your personal energy into it "because it will be successful".

Exhortation definitions


a communication intended to urge or persuade the recipients to take some action


the act of exhorting; an earnest attempt at persuasion

See also: incitement