Implant in a sentence as a noun

If it decides that the implant is the culprit, bad luck.

It will attempt to surround the implant and expel it.

I don't know that I would want an implant, but I'd like to try a haptic compass.

How much does a pallet cost to manufacture and how much does a lo-jack cost to implant?

Apparently it's quite possible to go through an MRI with implant intact, so long as the techs know about it.

My guess is they balked when the researchers decided to use a modified HIV virus to implant the new genes.

The infection was most likely caused by the implant breaking the skin, which is an absolute medical blunder to begin with.

Implant in a sentence as a verb

She makes one point in her piece that struck me as novel:"Nine weeks later, the final surgery is completed with the reconstruction of the breasts with an implant.

The way I understand it is this : if an implant is nice and smooth and well integrated with it's surrounding tissue then a titanium implant is safe.

Has an biomedical engineer ever forked a open source prosthetic hip implant?

This is the moment where you have to implant the habit of asking - not yourself, but an imaginary judge:"If I defer task X, will it become easier later?

Looking at how exceptionally crude this "implant" is, it should come as no surprise to anyone how annoying and uncomfortable it turned out to be.

" If men learn this, it will implant forgetfulness in their souls; they will cease to exercise memory because they rely on that which is written, calling things to remembrance no longer from within themselves, but by means of external marks.

This secrecy erodes bargaining power and has allowed a small industry of profit-taking middlemen to flourish: joint implant purchasing consultants, implant billing companies, joint brokers.

Implant definitions


a prosthesis placed permanently in tissue


fix or set securely or deeply; "He planted a knee in the back of his opponent"; "The dentist implanted a tooth in the gum"

See also: engraft embed imbed plant


become attached to and embedded in the uterus; "The egg fertilized in vitro implanted in the uterus of the birth mother with no further complications"


put firmly in the mind; "Plant a thought in the students' minds"

See also: plant