Imbed in a sentence as a verb

If I have an iTunes url to my app can I imbed an argument to send to the app once it runs after being downloaded?

In fact, he says, the solution is to imbed simple axiomatic systems in more complex ones in regress.

More important, it is possible to imbed Tk code into hypertext documents.

With risk-based pricing out the window, issuers need to find a way to imbed reserves into their loans or recoup higher potential for loss.

" Finally, MDL makes it easy to imbed implicit functional invocations in data structures to tailor the game as described above.

So many of these password managers, including the incredibly wonderful 1Password that everyone swoons over, imbed themselves so deeply into browsers and other functions that I don't trust them.

Imbed definitions


fix or set securely or deeply; "He planted a knee in the back of his opponent"; "The dentist implanted a tooth in the gum"

See also: implant engraft embed plant