Embed in a sentence as a verb

No, we're not going to embed typography in images or flash.

There's a back button to move between apps, so apps don't need to do things like embed their own web browser.

Template system is pretty robust by its self, you can embed some scala code in it if needed.

If you look at the output scripts of the transaction, this is a patch for the bug that was used to embed the patch in the transaction in the first place.

Completely missing!My quick advice for getting a nearly facebook-like style in your appe in seconds: embed their CSS in your header.

Either it's fabricating the websites or I've visited sites that embed data from these other sites?

"We're already successfully embedding a JavaScript engine into a pure Rust program for Servo.

Even if I embed Lua and script parts of my program, I'm still conceptually working on a C runtime, complete with addresses, pointers, integers and registers.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the whole reason gifs started proliferating on the net because people wanted to share short video loops, but didn't want to embed flash or video which may not load or play correctly in a user's browser?

These features all differentiate gifs from 2010-mainstream forms of embedded video like Youtube: - starts playing automatically\n - loops seamlessly\n - never has sound\n - no logos or buttons like "share" and "embed"\n - no scrubber bar on the bottom\n - repeated instances of the same gif play back in lockstep\n - no frame around it\n - pixel-perfect control\n\nAll these features make it possible to create art that wouldn't work with embedded video.

Embed definitions


fix or set securely or deeply; "He planted a knee in the back of his opponent"; "The dentist implanted a tooth in the gum"

See also: implant engraft imbed plant


attach to, as a journalist to a military unit when reporting on a war; "The young reporter was embedded with the Third Division"