Imbecilic in a sentence as an adjective

What you don't have with OA are those imbecilic internal headcount limits and transfer blocks.

Me too, they are the most imbecilic of IT organizations.

Novice code isn't necessarily imbecilic code, you're conflating the two. If I'm otherwise proficient and have a grasp of hardware conceptually, my iOS code isn't likely to do those things you stated.

The past is where losers live, who care about social proof and their imbecilic reputation economies because they're weak human garbage with no vision.

How different our system is today, and how utterly imbecilic and superficial it is by comparison.

ANY modern programming language wouldn't suffer from this imbecilic, immature language design.

I actually think PIPs are imbecilic, because I'd rather cut a 3-month severance check and separate cleanly than keep a fired employee in the office for 1 month, but that's another rant.

[...] I pity your navet Are you honestly deluded [...] Are you honestly too callous and/or imbecilic [...] Where's the substance?

Sure, society is mean-spirited, limiting, imbecilic, and cutthroat.

And somehow in your deranged, imbecilic mind pointing that out that is "mischaracterizing" your point-of-view, whereas rabbiting on about things I never even said and accusing me of being a "sexist" is not.

You can become envious when you see empty-headed smooth-talkers making millions of dollars for doing absolutely nothing, or you can see it objectively as an imbecilic but utterly comical incineration of resources.

Are you honestly deluded enough to believe there have been no civilian casualties in the United States' war?Are you honestly too callous and/or imbecilic to think that calling this "collateral damage" changes the situation for someone who's life has been destroyed by a foreign entity?Again, I'm speechless at how deeply some have imbibed the propaganda of the war machine.

They don't care about their privacy, they use chrome because google advertise it, they leak data everywhere they go, and either don't care, or are imbecilic enough to believe "If you've got nothing to hide, it doesn't matter".In a way, HN acts as a reality distortion field if you get the bulk of your news from here, because people here are likely to make well researched comments with thought behind them; which makes it easy to forget that a lot of the world's population is very stupid and/or apathetic about most issues.

" For example: absurd, asinine, brainless, cockamamy, crazy, daffy, daft, dazed, deficient, dense, dim, dippy, doltish, dopey, dotty, dull, dumb, dummy, fantastic, fatuous, feebleminded, foolish, futile, gullible, half-baked, half-witted, harebrained, idiotic, ill-advised, ill-considered, imbecilic, imprudent, inane, incautious, indiscreet, injudicious, insane, insensate, irrational, irrelevant, jerky, kooky, laughable, loony, loser, ludicrous, lunatic, mad, meaningless, mindless, moronic, naive, nerdy, nonsensical, nutty, obtuse, pointless, preposterous, puerile, rash, ridiculous, senseless, short-sighted, shortsighted, silly, simple, simpleminded, slow, sluggish, stolid, stupefied, stupid, thick, thick-headed, trivial, unintelligent, unreasonable, unthinking, unwise, wacky, weak, witless, zany

Imbecilic definitions


having a mental age of three to seven years

See also: imbecile idiotic