Callous in a sentence as a verb

Do they even realize how callous their little segue is?

Going to Mars "because it's cool" would be somewhat callous.

As callous as that man was to me, I never thought he'd be so selfish as to not reach out in his last days.

It may sound callous but ultimately we are each responsible for our own well-being.

You'll never be forgotten, and god willing maybe you'll inspire a few to take revenge on your blind, callous killer.

The internet is full of flippant, callous, outright dismissals.

In no way to I mean to be disrespectful or callous, but it seems that there is way too much coverage of his *******.

Terms were very lightly massaged, for example, "so callous" would have counted simply as "callous".

Callous in a sentence as an adjective

Not apologizing at all is seen as callous and only incites the mob against you.

I'm sorry to be callous, but at this point I feel little pity for someone still buying domains through GoDaddy.

You're not being callous at all. There are some companies that are known to frequently mistreat customers and have harmful policies.

When you walk by 5 of these guys every day on your way to work you tend to develop a rather callous attitude towards all unsolicited sales.

Somewhere in the icy depths of the pit I have for a soul, a cruel and callous feeling of detached amusement was conjured forth by the not at all hyperbolic writing I just read.

Not actually evil, but bad-tempered, bureaucratic, officious and callous.

Or, as another poster pointed out, using the credibility of this trademark to gather subscribers for its own product?I want to attribute this whole thing to Hanlon's Razor, but it's hard to believe that a bunch of professionals are so brazenly callous about the use of others' trademarks.

Like many, I'm a fan of their games and their flat management, but they have a history of being as short-sighted and callous as EA and I wish more people would see that [2].I have a lot more respect for the people behind Humble Bundle/Wolfire, who went out of their way to support Linux long before it was cool [3].

Callous definitions


make insensitive or callous; deaden feelings or morals

See also: cauterize cauterise


emotionally hardened; "a callous indifference to suffering"; "cold-blooded and indurate to public opinion"

See also: indurate pachydermatous


having calluses; having skin made tough and thick through wear; "calloused skin"; "with a workman's callous hands"

See also: calloused thickened